Monday 6 March 2017

The power of YES

The word "YES" can change your life...!!

           Saying no was easy - just stop engaging , ignore calls/emails or tell someone on the face ,and nobody will hold you ,as you have not lost any real cash....
But For every, yes you say.... from now,might help to dive deeper in to the opportunity- do in - depth study of the sector,meet competitors, visit more places ,and be assigned even to  more responsibilities.
So start saying " YES" for few days and see the change in you...!!!

Sunday 5 March 2017


How to work smarter not Harder..?

The lean Startup methodology as a premise that every startup is a grand experiment that attempts to answer a question.The question is not " Can this product be built ?".Instead the questions are "Should this product be built..??" and " Can we build a sustainable business around this set of products and services?" This experiment is more than just theoretical inquiry ; it is a first product.If it is successful ,it allows a manager to get started with his or her campaign : enlisting early adopters , adding employees to each further experiment or iteration ,and eventually starting to build a product .By the time that product is ready to be distributed widely;it will already have established customers.It will have solved real problems and offers detailed specifications for what needs to be built...!!
...........All the best..........

How to get your first five customers...??

 Get your first five customers..!!

1)Use your contact list :
Filter your contacts and write on a paper and make an analysis and approach,this will surely works..

2)Get friends to refer you:
Start building relationships and count on people to help and refer your products.

3) Collect email Id and send them without expectations and exceptions.

4)Use public resources
Use public resources like Just dial,BSNL directories , Yellow pages, Trade events.. Where you a get chance to speak to them and be genuine with the customers when you speak to them and attract interest for product launch and build a  pipeline.

5)Make yourself accessible:
Use tools like Launchrock and Zopim chat messages etc which can lead to higher engagement.collect the visiting cards and contact details of all company people of whom you meet ,it will be useful in the long run...!!

.........All the best............

Saturday 4 March 2017


        Channel Partners....!!!

             A channel Partner is a company who Partners with the manufacturer to sell their products and increase partners can be retailers ,vendors or any consultants.

There are types in channel partners 
1)Managed Service channel partner
2) Outsourcing partner
   channel partnering is also good way of earning..!!

GMR is a Mechanical Engineer but his entrepreneurial mindset made him a great Industrialist in the construction field and in others fields too..


He was born on the 14th of July 1950, Grandhi Mallikarjuna Rao or better known as GM Rao is the billionaire industrialist and the founder of GMR Group.
GMR Group is a global infrastructure developer and operator which now holds presence in 7 countries, actively involved in energy, highways, large urban development and airports sectors, and is also known for building and operating world class national assets.
As per Forbes magazine, G M Rao is not only the richest Telugu man in terms of wealth but at the same time, he is widely known for his grounded nature and simplicity. To add to that, GMR Group is also known to be one of India’s most trusted and respect brands.
Highly inspired by Warren Buffet; GM too has donated huge amounts of his wealth for the betterment of the society and its people. His CSR wing, GMR Varalakshmi Foundation is present in more than 22 locations and helps the underserved sections of society. He donated had Rs.1540 Cr. in 2012 for charitable purposes and he also became the third most generous donor of corporate India by donating Rs.740 Cr in 2013, reported by China’s Harun Report Inc.
Talking about his personal life; he is a Mechanical Engineer by qualification and his business is currently managed by his two sons – Kiran Kumar and GBS Raju.

His journey:
GM was born into an upper-middle-class family in the Srikakulam district of Andhra Pradesh. His family’s had was involved in commodities trading and a small scale jewellery business started by his father in Rajam.
He was asked to leave his further studies and join the family business, after he failed his 10th class examination. After doing as asked for the next two years, he requested his mother to let him join school once again, after which , went on to pursue Mechanical Engineering from Andhra University.
He also happened to become the first graduate in his family in 1972. Soon after that, his father divided the family assets and each of them got roughly Rs.3 lakhs and a house.
Once that was done, his father wanted him to get a job for himself, but he and his mother wanted GM to do business. He wasn’t really sure of what business could be done with just Rs.3 lakhs; hence, he took up a job for the time being. But his other brothers, unlike him got into trading.
He joined AP (Andhra Pradesh) Paper Mills as a shift engineer. During this stint, he got the opportunity to learn business first-hand from a highly experienced Marwari businessman. But in not much time, he left that and joined the Public Works Department as a Junior Engineer for a few months as well.
While he was at it, after receiving a constant push from his mother, and the fact that his entrepreneurial nature was making it difficult for him to stay content with a mere day job, GM finally decided to leave his job and get into the trading business with his brothers.
And from here onwards, started the Saga of GMR Group!

The GMR Group!
In 1978; during the License Raj days, when it was next to impossible to get a licence, they happened to come across a someone who was selling a jute mill licence in Chennai and the factory was closed.
Quickly, they purchased the licence and machinery, and after of lot of hassles and struggles which required getting all the permissions from the state government and also the Jute Commissioner at Kolkata, they managed to shift the plant & and set-up the factory by investing around Rs.40 lakhs from their own pocket.
Now, the business was collectively managed by them, GM used to look after the jute mill, another brother of his used to take care of the transport business, the eldest of them all was in trading and the last brother was in charge of a rice mill and oil mill.
After working for a long time into his diverse business portfolio, GM decided to divest his stake in all the businesses he held, and got into Vysya Bank in collaboration with ING. The main reason he was roped in by the Bank was because they needed someone who was from the Vysya (trader) community in Andhra’s coastal belt and had deep connections, which obviously he did.
During the same time, say around 1987-88, all the brothers had different views of using the cash that was earned from the businesses. They felt that it should be divided and distributed rather than redeployed into newer businesses, but GM had a different view, he believed that it was always better to start new industries. Hence, they mutually agreed to separate the businesses and parted on a good note.
Soon after that, GM also briefly got into the Cotton ear-buds business as well. He had setup an export project in Chennai and used to export the ear-buds to various countries. During that time, Johnson & Johnson was surprisingly the only player in this business. But after not so long, he sold this business.
Over the period of time, since the time he go into the entrepreneurial world, GM had given a shot & exited 28 businesses, only to grab on to the opportunities that were about to be unveiled with the opening up of the Indian economy in the early 1990s.
This blessing un-disguised was The Turning Point of his career!

The beginning of the 90’s was when India liberalized its market and a huge storm of opportunities had come in.
In the year 1991, GM had applied and managed to win the bid for the Hyderabad airport, out- beating competitors like L&T. But this time it was different, building an airport was not his area of expertise, he felt unsure about how to go about next.
So he took a call, which he considers as the most important step that any entrepreneur should take — he called in the experts in this stream of the business. He put in most of his time, energy and money in learning, the process from experts in airport construction, management from Germany, Singapore and Malaysia, etc to teach himself and his team members.
At the same time, as the business was growing rapidly, he also laid down the “Values & Beliefs” the group functioned on and will follow in the future.
Meanwhile, a Malaysian company and a Chicago-based company had got four barge-boat licences for a barge-mounted project in Mangalore but because the Malaysian economy was going through a difficult time, they were not able to implement them, and hence GMR Group purchased the licences from them and implemented the project.
During the same time, GM also tried his hands at the Outsourcing Industry and started a BPO, but Information Technology being an altogether a different ball game, within seven or eight months, he sold it off at a very good price to I-Gate.
After that, National Highway Authority of India (NHAI) had identified six roads which would have to be built and financed by the private sector via a roads annuity scheme, and in the first phase, three roads were offered, under a BOT (build, operate, transfer) annuity model, wherein NHAI would pay an annuity (allowance) for 15 years. GMR Group bagged the contract for all three roads.
The group managed excelled NHAI’s expectations and completed both the projects before time, and also received an early completion bonus and made good money too. This opened another genre for them and, due to this success they also managed to win four more road projects in the near future.
While all this was on, his Vysya Bank was going through a very difficult phase. Cutting the long story short – somehow, GM had managed to keep the show running for a very long time, and to top that, he had at a point even put in all the money he had (including his wife’s jewellery).
But due to increasing competition, huge capital requirements, and most importantly changing of times, he eventually was forced to sell his 23.99% stake to the ING Group for about Rs.340 Cr during the late 90’s.
That is when GM took a call to restructure his entire business and diluted his stake in this business and decided to enter into the field of energy and infrastructure full-fledgedly.
Another reason to get into the infrastructure asset development was that, their closest competitor was GVK, who happened to be 6 times smaller by market capitalization, hence, making GMR Group a clear winner.
And from here onwards started The Grand Expansion!

After shifting his entire focus, in 1999, he saw that the Andhra Pradesh Government had called for a global tender to set up a Greenfield international airport. While 26 companies showed interest, but finally one three placed their bids. GM tied up with the Malaysian Airport Authority and placed his bid too and won the project.
Around the same time, the government also started thinking about the modernisation of Delhi and Mumbai airports in 2003. But this time it was different, it was a far bigger game.
GM spent over Rs. 34 Cr. on the bidding process itself and put together a team that began to study airports, and also included 15 international consultants to bid for the Delhi and Mumbai airports. This gave them the upper-edge amongst the other competitors and also helped them bag the projects.
In 2004, GM happened to attend a conference and heard MV Subbaiah speak of the Murugappa group on family succession. Upon realisation that many family businesses have existed for more than 300 years, he quickly put together a team, which included senior bankers, HR consultants, etc., to write a family constitution for his family.
It literally took him more than 570 hours to work on it over a four-year period. The constitution was just like how a country’s constitution is. It laid down everything from the selection of my successor which would be selected by the next generation and not by GM, the system of good family governance, how to resolve a conflict and valuation of the business, the process of inducting new family members into the business, their level of induction and qualifications required, etc!
In April 2009, in an unusual move, GMR bought English Premier League’s Liverpool F.C for 500 million pounds.
And yet again, in 2013, everyone was taken by a surprise when GM stepped back from the day-to-day functioning of the company and handed over the reins to his younger Kiran Kumar Grandhi by making him the Managing Director.
Now that the responsibilities had greatly reduced from his head, he moved towards working for the greater good of the society, by actively participating in the functioning of his CSR Foundation. Furthermore, a year later in 2014, he also got appointed as the Chairman of AP (Andhra Pradesh) Skill Development Corporation, by N Chandrababu Naidu – Andhra Pradesh Chief Minister.
More recently, the company since the economic downturn in India, had been going through a difficult time, and had opted for ‘asset-light and asset-right’ strategy. Under this strategy, they sold their 40% stake in Istanbul’s Sabiha Gocken airport for $285 million to their partner Malaysia Airports Holding.
In the same month itself they placed and won a $320 million joint bid with Megawide Construction to expand the Mactan-Cebu International airport at Philippines along with a 25- year concession. Additionally, GMR has also recently signed a $1.4 billion deal with Nepal’s Investment Board to build a hydropower project.

His Achievements
·         Conferred with the honorary Doctor of Laws by York University, Toronto, Canada (2011)
·         Awarded as the ‘First Generation Entrepreneur of the Year’ at the CNBC TV18 India Business Leader Awards (2009)
·         Received the ‘Infrastructure Person (Infra Person) of the year award’ at the Infrastructure Journal Award Ceremony held in London (2009)
·         Received the “Sir M. Visveswaraiah Award – 2008″ by the Federation of Karnataka Chamber Of Commerce and Industry (FKCCI)
·         Awarded as the “Most Inspiring Entrepreneur of the Year – 2008″ by National Institute of Industrial Engineering (NITIE), Mumbai
·         Received the Entrepreneur of the year Award by Economic Times (2007)

·         Awarded as the “Most Promising Entrant to the Big League” by CNBC TV18 at its “Indian Business Leader Awards (2007)

Do you have that 10 basic Skill-set of an Entrepreneur..??


1)Basics of Ms - excel
2)How to take a print out
3)How to operate a photocopy machine
4)How to book a ticket online
5)How to make a email newsletter
6)How to write a business proposal
7)How to talk to a stranger on phone
8)How to give a presentation to an audience
9) Basics of Online marketing
10) How to write an article

Friday 3 March 2017

Most of us don't know types of business..??


  • - single owner
  • -Unlimited liability

  -At least than 2 owners
  -Unlimited liability on each Partners

- More than 2 share holders
-Company is separate entity from  individuals

-Limited Liability Partnership


   Who are Venture capitalist ??

          Venture capital investors are like funds who raise investments from banks , insurance companies invest in early or late stage ventures in return of equity stake.
              A VC fund is managed by general partners who have prior experience and interest in helping and growing startups towards IPO/exit.
      Important roles in a venture fund include raising funds , identifying investment opportunities, investing in ventures and managing the portfolio with active involvement in ventures .

Leading venture capitalists in India

Sequoia Capital
Accel Partners.
Nexus Venture Partners 
Helion Ventures
Related important websites is

........All the Best.......

How to start a mobile apps venture...??


                      The world is going mobile.. India alone has many crores mobile connections and internet users and increasing day by day and new applications are driving the usage and growth of mobiles, which is no longer a talking device-it is the next computer and  it is giving birth to new words like 'application','appnomy' etc. which shows the interest in the general public and media. It also gives aspiring entrepreneurs an opportunity to come out with new applications and ways to solve customer problems using mobiles. So let us learn the basics of how to start a mobiles application  venture.


To create an app, you need to have an idea. It can be based on customer need,for example, phone book has remained the same for last few  years-with little innovation. Is there a way in which phone books can be improved to give relevant information about your friends,family etc..and many apps can developed on different ideas and uploaded in the play store and other stores .


Apps can be downloaded using app stores like ovi etc. Startups can also tie up with operators like Vodafone etc. and share revenues generated from customers. Content aggrerators like Onward Mobility also play a part in bringing apps to customers via their extensive relationships. OEMs or original equipment manufactures (example Nokia,Micromax) can also be tied up for pre-embedding your apps with their handsets.There are other innovative ways to sell apps, which includes companies like Onward Mobility based in Mumbai. It sells apps via retail channels of shopkeepers!


There are various platforms to develop apps,including Android, Symbian/QT, J2ME, Bada,Windows etc. Each has got its advantages and disadvantages which could include ease of learning the programming languages, availability of hardware/software support for testing apps, or porting from one to other platform.If it is India ,I suggest ,go with android initially and then with other technologies .It is also important that the team has basic understanding if programming languages like Java,C,C++


While there are millions of apps existing (productivity apps like time management, entertainment apps for music etc.),it becomes difficult to chose for an entrepreneur what to do. As a startup, you need to focus-do you want to build a mass app or a class app-depending on what kind of consumers you are targeting. Some companies build an app a day, and wish it becomes a success, while others may take years to build a killer app,which can become a darling of consumers as well as investors.For  example , Apalya Technologies, based in Hyderabad has built an app that allows you to watch live TV on your mobile itself !


There are various ways of marketing your app -including digital media like internet (google ,Facebook etc) and other media like sms marketing .Mobile Developer are Forums  also a good way to connect and share the apps and spread the word.

.............................ALL THE BEST FOR YOUR SUCCESSFUL STARTUP......................................... 


Do you know how to start an internet venture ?

 How to Start an Internet venture ?

     Most of the Indians ,now a days are having access to computers and internet, we have wide scope and increasing opportunities to Start an internet venture.but we need to have some basic skills set before entering in to this internet venture.
 There are hundreds of Indians who will use internet everyday.But you should focus on your customers and accordingly plan your business model.The design of your website can also be in any  regional, depending on your customers.Customers can be individuals or even other business like Indiamart..Etc. Visualize and act wisely on the internet.

Many of the people assume that ,by staring a website business is that they will start earning by advertising as soon their website is up..But which is not and get disappointed.So to attract advertisers you need to attract the customers first ,then advertisers will automatically will come to your website.Revenue model can include product sales like snapdeal or e-commerce website,lead generation (Ixigo), Merchandising like,listing fees like just dial can also advertise your products and services in your website.

It takes 1000 to 2000 rupees to buy both the website name and hosting space.But for advanced packages you might have to pay can also use cloud computing to keep your capital cost low. Depending on the complexity of your business ,number of users and transactions per user etc..You can use any technology like Java or .Net .basic pages can be created by using WordPress or and for advanced development can be done by team members or outsourced to developors.If there is product sale through your website,then you also need to look at other aspects of business including product procurement , pricing, quality, delivery, payment gateway integration and customer service desk..Etc...!!

You need to update your website regularly.once the beta version of your website is developed (usable version of the website),you can start sharing the website with potential customers and increasing your site visits.Now you can market it digitally by using SEO and SEM which you can found on Google and if you don't know about this ,you can find in internet sources like YouTube etc..,link building , directory submissions etc. Can further enhance the visibility.Tools like Google Analytics etc. Can also give you insight on what is working and what is not working.Socail networking websites can also be used for marketing your website.maintain the quality and make your customer satisfied with your product.Then customer will become your brand ambassadors to spread your business..!!
........................All the best..For your successful startup..Hope this blog is useful to you....!!!

Important websites on entrepreneurship


  • www.starpreneur
  • Startuptalky in fb and there many in fb on startups..!!

  • NEN..etc

Do you know about Angel Investments ..??



             Angel Investors or angel networks are rich and experienced people who invest their personal money in early stage. ventures in return for equity stake.
               They do invest in individual capacity with their money ,and takes risk in team,idea and potential growth.
              They also help entrepreneurs to develop the idea ,leading to further investments from venture capital funds or strategic investors. Generally ,angel investors do not provide office space unlike incubators.
          There are many angel investors in india but leading angel investors are Mumbai can visit the and know more details.All the best..!!

Thursday 2 March 2017

difference between Business Man and Enterpreneur

              DIFFERENCE BETWEEN  BUSINESS MAN AND                                         ENTREPRENEUR

                          A business man is someone who sets up a business with existing idea offering products and services to the customers. 

                       An Entrepreneur is a person who starts an enterprise with a new idea or concept, undertaking commercial activities. 

                     A Business man walks on the defined path ,but an entrepreneur believes in making his own path,which becomes a reference or guideline to other businessmen.